Learn Reiki Usui Level 3B Master Teacher
Level 3b is a more in-depth training and mentoring programme and takes time, practice and application.
You are required to be up to date with your practice and will need to meet me, discuss your needs and expectations before moving forwards. Every student teacher is treated as an individual and I do my best to fit around your schedule and ask that you do with me too. Give and take, respect and honesty are key.
You are required to shadow and assist me whilst I teach each of the level 1, 2 and 3a classes and this could be several weeks of shadowing over a period of several months, or even up to a year, dependent on class dates.
You will then prepare your own teaching notes and teach your own class with me observing. Each level may require you to teach 2 to 3 classes dependent upon your experience, abilities, learning style and needs. This is why teaching a teacher can take up to a year and is not an overnight thing. You will be working very closely with me and it is essential there is professionalism and mutual respect between us.
If you are interested learning to be a teacher through me, please get in touch.
Pricing for Reiki Level 3b: Can range up to $2,000 depending upon whether you have trained with me or not and the reasons given above.
Minimum Class Size: Generally 4 students. If the minimum numbers are not met the class will likely be deferred. Students will be kept up to date and a decision will be made in resonable time.

Contact Information
Pip Hense, Cambridge, New Zealand
t: +64 (0) 27 903 1732
e: trulydelicious@proton.me