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Cosmic Radiance

Cosmic Radiance is an exciting technique, a combination of all the wonderful techniques wrapped up into one fabulous parcel.

Experience a Cosmic Radiance session for yourself

I now offer a hands-on, quantum experience which has evolved; like a beautiful butterfly, from the birth of The Being in Colour cards to what it is today.

Just imagine relaxing into a delightful, safe space, lying on a comfortable couch, perhaps swathed in my Rainbow Healing Sashes or within a unique grid of crystals to assist you to be all you can be.

I have an array of wonderful music which I can play within a tranquil setting perfect for you.

The reasons for coming along are varied, eg: to align and rebalance chakras, reduce stress or connect and because you are interested in finding out more about yourself; whatever your reason for being here it is just perfect and all created through the magic of colour vibration.

My role is to act as your facilitator by holding a space of light and I am aware that you may channel already so this technique will assist you to find out more.

The aim of Cosmic Radiance is to help guide you, and assist you, to create a better, healthier and more prosperous future; to create a real difference in your life, and other peoples', for the animals and our earth.

My second book is an introduction and foundation to a wide range of spiritual techniques. Lavishly illustrated and with numerous examples and exercises, this is a book you should have in your "spiritual library".

Buy your own copy of Cosmic Radiance DISCOVERY

Buy your own copy of Cosmic Radiance DISCOVERY

Included in your session

By tapping into your energy fields and into the intuitive colours I have found that the channeled rainbow energy flows exactly where it needs to be. Through a movement or gentle placement of my hand, auric pulsing of the administering hand, a guided placement of a crystal, inspired words of comfort, the use of a Being in Colour card to enhance the deeper knowing I have found this spiritual and intuitive process has assisted seekers to make better choices on their spiritual lifepath, I know this because of the happiness, the awareness, the peace seen in their face and eyes afterwards.

Over the past 15 years I have developed myself intensively and am now a medical intuitive. I connect through the body's energy system (the aura and physical bodies) in alignment with the Universal energy of All That Is. I love people, I love teaching, I am passionate about my work; and Cosmic Radiance is so exciting and so different. As a practitioner- So liberating.

"Remember that the future can change in an instant depending upon an action and thought that you make now. It is important to be clear and positively focused to make the best of what you can now." Pip

Learn the Cosmic Radiance technique

Learn the Cosmic Radiance technique

The aim of Cosmic Radiance is to help guide you and assist you to create a better, healthier and more prosperous future; to create a real difference in your life, and other people's, for the animals and our earth.

In total there are 8 entry-level and an additional 3 advanced-level modules covering topics such as:

  • Auras, Chakras and Energy

  • Dowsing, Radiesthesia and Divination

  • Art for Therapy

  • Vibrational Colour, Sound and Movement

  • Embedded Programmes and Beliefs

  • Crystals

  • Animal, Plant and Earth Healing


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